FAQ - General

General questions about the platform.

What and who is BetterTrader good for?
How can I get BetterTrader on my mobile or desktop device?
Do you have a free trial period?
What is a recommended strategy for a beginner?
Is BetterTrader an analysis platform or a trading platform?
Is there a guaranteed profit percentage?
Where can I see statistics for all of your Trade Ideas?

FAQ - Markets

Questions about the Markets tab and its interfaces.

What is the Markets tab? Where is it located?
What is my Watchlist? What features do you provide for my Watchlist?
What are MarketWidgets used for?
What is MarketSense and how do I use it?
What is MarketWakeUp and how do I use it?
How do I add/remove a market instrument to/from my WatchList?

FAQ - Economic Events

Questions about Economic Events and the features that can help you.

What is the Calendar and where can I find it?
What is a Economic Event or Indicator?
How can I profit from Economic Events?
What is a Revision? Why does the number for "Prev" sometimes have a line through it and other times not?
What do the fields shown in each event represent?
Why should I care about Economic Events?
What is Magnitude of Surprise?
What does the field that says "Impact" with varying numbers of exclamation marks represent?
How can I see only the events that are relevant to me?

FAQ - Price Driven Trade Ideas

Questions about Trade Ideas that triggered by Price movements and patterns in the markets

What are Price Driven Trade Ideas?
How far do you back-test the history for Price Driven Trade Ideas?

FAQ - Technical, setup, etc.

Step-By-Step setup guides.

How to manage mobile notifications?
how to manage emails?
how to set-up the basics in the app for best experience

FAQ - Customization and Preferences Setup.

Questions about In-App customization and preferences.

FAQ - BackTester

Questions about the BackTester tab

FAQ - Charts

Questions on the Charts tab and its features.

FAQ - Trade Ideas

Questions about the Trade Ideas concept and its interfaces.

If Trade Ideas are so awesome, why are you guys selling them? Why not just use them yourselves and get rich?
What is the time-frame for the Trade Idea?
What are Trade Ideas and how to read them?
How long does a Trade Idea stay relevant to act upon?
All BetterTrader Trade Ideas have a minimum of 66% historical success rate, does that guarantee that I will be right 66% of the time?
What should I do if a new Trade Idea opposes another Trade Idea that I have already initiated?

FAQ - Insights

Questions about the Insights tab and its interfaces.

FAQ - News Driven Trade Ideas

Questions about Trade Ideas that are triggered by Economic Events.

What are News Driven Trade Ideas?
What is the difference between Potential Trade Ideas before the event and Trade Ideas after the event?
How can I profit from trading the news when there are algorithmic trading computer programs that are able to trade much faster than me?
How far do you back-test the history for News Driven Trade Ideas?

FAQ - Practice Account

Questions about Trade Ideas that triggered by Price movements

FAQ - Brokers

Questions about using your broker account with BetterTrader.

How Can I Practice Trading Without Using Real Money?
Can I execute trades directly from within the BetterTrader app?
What is a practice trading account?
How can I connect my free practice account?
What are the benefits of linking my BetterTrader account to my brokerage account? Why should I link my accounts?
Can I link my BetterTrader account to my broker account? How
can I check if my broker is supported?
How do I link my BetterTrader account to my brokerage account?
My broker not working with you, can you connect?
Is BetterTrader a broker?

FAQ - Billing

Questions about Billing.

How do I cancel my subscription?
What is your cancellation policy?
What should I do if I am not satisfied with my BetterTrader subscription?
What is the Advanced plan - what is the difference between Free, Basic and Advanced?